What Does Your Brand Say About You - Part 2
All of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.
I received a number of responses to last month’s newsletter on personal branding; here are a few -
“Thanks for explaining the meaning of personal brand and its importance for my career, something I’ve never been clear on.”
“I liked your three-step approach to crafting a brand statement and will give it a try.”
“Great point - if you don’t create your brand statement others will do it for you and they will base it on their perception of you.”
Reading the responses fueled my passion to help as many people as possible create their authentic brand statement and I asked myself what I could do to make myself and this critical information more readily available to more people. I was excited about what came to me.
I’ve developed a five-week program I’m calling a Personal Brand Coaching Group. Within this group you will:
Compile your own career inventory - professional skills and experiences, identification of your top five strengths (using the CliftonStrengths assessment), accomplishments, competencies, values and motivations.
Create a compelling brand statement using your career inventory and my three-step brand formation process
Fine-tune your brand statement
Learn how to leverage your brand statement in your career.
I’ll be leading you through every step and, while we’ll most often be meeting as a group, you will still have a 30-minute private session with me as a group member to review your brand statement. The group will be limited to four participants in order to create the synergy and learning atmosphere I feel works best.
This group is perfect for:
Professionals who want to create a brand statement that succinctly articulates their value and differentiates them from others to help manage their career
Job seekers struggling in their search and in confidently selling themselves
Career changers and individuals considering a career change
Of course you can still work with me one-on-one if you’d prefer. But if you like the synergy and interaction of a group program, click here for more information:
The first group begins on June 15th and please include your time preference when sending in your contact form. Also, please pass this information along to anyone you think might be interested in this type of experience.
P.S. My website has gone through a major redesign and I’m excited for you to see it!
P.P.S. I'm thrilled to say I was recently quoted in an article about the importance of networking for college grads heading into the workforce. Here is the link: https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/22/success/networking-tips-for-first-job/index.html