3 Signs It’s Time to Rethink Your Job Search Strategy
If your job search isn’t going as well as you’d expected, it’s time to do things differently. But how do you know what needs to be done differently? And what do you do instead?
These are the questions I get all the time from new clients. They know something isn’t working, but they don’t know what or how to change what they’re doing. If you’re feeling the same way, I’ve got some tips for you.
Here are 3 signs it’s time for you to rethink your job search strategy and what to do instead:
- You’re only applying to jobs online. If you’re only applying online and not getting responses, it’s time to rethink your strategy. By only applying online, you’re limiting your chances of getting a job. It's estimated that 85% of jobs are found through networking. New strategy: Devote a good portion of your job search contacting your network such as family, friends, past employers, LinkedIn connections and classmates. Let your network know you’re looking for a job and ask them if they can help or connect you with someone in the industry you’d like to work in. Networking will definitely jump start your job search.
- You’re relying solely on recruiters to find you a job. When clients tell me they’re relying on recruiters to find them a job, I tell them that it’s not a good idea. Here’s why: first of all, it’s not the recruiter’s job to find you a job, it’s your job! Second, the job of a recruiter is to find candidates to fill job openings for their clients. They are solely focused on filling that specific position, which might not necessarily be the position you’re looking for. The truth is you’re only as good to the recruiter as the position they need filled. So, you could be waiting a long time to hear back from them. That’s why you don’t want to rely on recruiters for your search. New strategy: My advice is to look for jobs in a number of ways. Network with your contacts, regularly check the job boards, target companies and look at their websites for job openings, contact your college professors to see if they know of any job opportunities or good contacts to introduce you to, and more. And yes, contact recruiters to let them know you’re looking in case a position that you want crosses their desk. But by all means, don’t rely on them. Rely on yourself.
- You’re devoting 2-3 hours a week to your job search. If you think that’s enough time to devote to your job search, the hard reality is that isn’t enough. And your lack of results is telling you that. Looking for a job is a full time job. New strategy: Devote at least 1-2 hours a day to stay on top of job opportunities and stay in touch with your network. I advise my clients to designate 2 hours or more a day to spend on their search at a time during the day that works best for them. Then I ask them to schedule it in their calendars so they’re making an appointment for their search… just like they’d do for anything else.
I hope these tips are helpful, especially if you feel like your job search has stalled.
You can absolutely find a new job that is a great fit at the right salary. In order to do that you first need to develop a job search strategy that is providing results. Results like being asked for phone interviews, requests for more information, call-backs, etc.
Feel free to reach out to me with any questions about your search or to learn how we can work together. I’m passionate about helping my clients develop a job search that works. Please contact me at megan@wallscareeecoach.com.